For sale is a Hornby Intercity 225 Set. Includes R240 Class 91 No. 91014 Spare Body, Three MK4 Coaches No. 12408, No 12406 and No.
12408 and R268 MK4 Driving Van Trailer (DVT) No. I have boxed the class 91 to match what should be inside the box. I got the class 91 repaired/serviced and now runs a treat forwards and backwards added missing buffers to front and rear. The MK4 coaches are in fine condition roll on track great. The MK4 Driving Van Trailer (DVT) is in great condition no marks or scratches present. 91014 bodyshell and chassis as well. This is for you to add the pantograph switch to the class 91 No. 91001 bodyshell from the class 91 No.91014 bodyshell as the class 91 No. 91001 bodyshell does not gave a pantograph switch present. The class 91 originally had a class 91 No.
The extra bodyshell I have included in this set is not the original bodyshell that was on the class 91. The one included is a different one.
All couplings, step details and buffers present. All a good set up. Check out other listings I have for sale.
If you have any questions please let me thank you.